Saint-Clair-de-Halouze (French pronunciation: [sɛ̃ klɛʁ aluz] ) is a commune in the Orne department in north-western France.[3] It is situated midway between Domfront and Flers. It was originally a centre for ferrous mining and the little community, the minehead and the railway line, now a path, remain. The small river Halouze flows through the village on its way to join the Varenne (Loire basin).

Places of Interest

  • Old Iron Mine - it was still in operation up to 1978 and now you can still see the headframe standing above the mine shaft[4] The former mine is part of two circuits highlighting mining in the area, "Circuit des forges et des mines” if travelling by car or the 8km walking path of "Le circuit de la mine".[5]

Notable People

See also
