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The All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (VKPB; Russian: Всесоюзная коммунистическая партия большевиков; ВКПБ; Vsesoyuznaya kommunisticheskaya partiya bolshevikov, VKPB) is an anti-revisionist Marxist–Leninist communist party operating in Russia and other former Soviet states. It was founded in November 1991 and led by Nina Andreyeva, a university teacher who was well known for her 1988 letter "I cannot forsake my principles".


Newspapers of the party

The VKPB has its origins in the "Bolshevik Platform" of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The party is known for its sectarian positions, e.g. it opposes the Communist Party of the Russian Federation due to its "reformist" character and has refused to back its candidates for presidential election. It is also an outspoken critic of the Russian church and religion in general demanding the separation of church and state. It is also a critic of Vladimir Putin's regime.[4]

It published a newspaper called Edinstvo (Единство), Bolshevik (Большевик), Bolshevik Kavkaza (Большевик Кавказа), Bolshevik Stavropol'ja (Большевик Ставрополья), Bolshevik Osetii (Большевик Осетии), Vpered (Вперед), Serp i Molot (Серп и Молот), Golos Stalingrada (Голос Сталинграда) and Raboche-Krest'janskaja pravda (Рабоче-Крестьянская правда). Its youth section is the All-Union Young Guard Bolsheviks.

During its history, the party has experienced several splits. Splinters often took similar names.

  • All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) (VKP(b)) — the split occurred in 1995 on the issue of the party's participation in parliamentary elections.
  • All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (revolutionaries) (VKPB(r)) — split of 2015 of the left wing of the VKPB. The organization believes that the VKPB has moved away from the Bolsheviks traditions and has moved to the right tendency.
  • In the summer of 2020, after the death of Nina Andreyeva, formed the alternative Central Committee of the VKPB, which is based in Pyatigorsk. General Secretary is Nikolay Degtyarenko.[2] The organization is called VKPB (North Caucasus Bureau) (VKPB (SKB)). The organization considers itself real VKPB.
  • Since 2022, the VKPB (General Secretary V. Zelikov) supplements its name with the name of Nina Andreyeva — VKPB (Nina Andreyeva's)
  • In 2021, some of the party's primary organizations held an independent congress. These organizations received the informal name VKPB (Sverdlovsk Congress)

In 2022, the VKP(b) and VKPB (Sverdlovsk Congress) held a unification congress. The new party was named the Marxist–Leninist Party of Bolsheviks (MLPB) (Russian: Марксистско-ленинская партия большевиков). However, this decision was not made by all the primary organizations of the VKP(b).


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