The Portuguese escudo was the currency of Portugal from May 22, 1911, until the introduction of the euro on January 1, 2002. The escudo was subdivided into 100 centavos. The word escudo derives from the scutum shield.

Amounts in escudos were written as escudos Cifrão symbol.svg centavos with the cifrão as the decimal separator (for example: 25Cifrão symbol.svg00 means 25.00Cifrão symbol.svg, 100Cifrão symbol.svg50 means 100.50Cifrão symbol.svg). Because of the conversion rate of 1,000 réis = 1Cifrão symbol.svg, three decimal places were initially used (1Cifrão symbol.svg = 1Cifrão symbol.svg000).


The currency replaced by the escudo in 1911 was denominated in Portuguese reals (plural: réis) and milréis worth 1,000 réis. The milréis was equivalent to 2.0539 grams fine gold from 1688 to 1800, and 1.62585 g from 1854 to 1891. Gold escudos worth 1.6 milréis (or 1Cifrão symbol.svg600; not to be confused with the 20th-century currency) were issued from 1722 to 1800 in denominations of 12, 1, 2, 4 and 8 escudos.

The escudo (gold) was again introduced on 22 May 1911, after the 1910 Republican revolution, to replace the real at the rate of 1,000 réis to 1 escudo. The term mil réis (thousand réis) remained a colloquial synonym of escudo up to the 1990s. One million réis was called one conto de réis, or simply one conto. This expression passed on to the escudo, meaning 1,000Cifrão symbol.svg.

The escudo's value was initially set at 675Cifrão symbol.svg00 = 1 kg of gold. After 1914, the value of the escudo fell, being fixed in 1928 at 108Cifrão symbol.svg25 to £1 sterling. This was altered to 110Cifrão symbol.svg00 to £1 stg in 1931. A new rate of 27Cifrão symbol.svg50 escudos to the U.S. dollar was established in 1940, changing to 25Cifrão symbol.svg00 in 1940 and 28Cifrão symbol.svg75 in 1949.

During World War II, escudos were heavily sought after by Nazi Germany, through Swiss banks, as foreign currency to make purchases to Portugal and other neutral nations.[1]

Inflation throughout the 20th century made centavos essentially worthless by its end, with fractional value coins with values such as 0Cifrão symbol.svg50 and 2Cifrão symbol.svg50 eventually withdrawn from circulation in the 1990s. With the entry of Portugal in the Eurozone, the conversion rate to the euro was set at 200Cifrão symbol.svg482 to €1.[2]

Territorial usage

The escudo was used in the Portuguese mainland, the Azores and Madeira, with no distinction of coins or banknotes. In Portugal's African colonies, the escudo was generally used up to independence, in the form of Banco Nacional Ultramarino and Banco de Angola banknotes (rather than those of the Bank of Portugal used in Portugal proper), with Portuguese and in some cases local coins circulating alongside:

Of the above, only Cape Verde continues to use the escudo.

In Macau, the currency during the colonial period was, as it is today, the Macanese pataca.

Timor-Leste adopted the Portuguese Timorese escudo whilst still a Portuguese colony, having earlier used the Portuguese Timor pataca.

Portuguese India adopted the Portuguese Indian escudo for a brief time between 1958 and 1961 before Goa became a part of India; prior to that, it used the Portuguese Indian rupia.


Portuguese 8 gold escudos (1729)
Portuguese 0Cifrão symbol.svg04, 1917
0Cifrão symbol.svg50 of 1926
200Cifrão symbol.svg00 of 1991

The mintage period for the various denominations of the gold escudo (worth 1.6 milréis or 1Cifrão symbol.svg600) introduced in 1722 was different: 12 escudo through 1821,[3] 2 escudos through 1789,[4] and 4 escudos through 1799.[5] The eight-escudo coin was only struck between 1722 and 1730.[6]

Between 1912 and 1916, silver 0Cifrão symbol.svg10, 0Cifrão symbol.svg20 and 0Cifrão symbol.svg50 and 1Cifrão symbol.svg00 coins were issued. Bronze 0Cifrão symbol.svg01 and 0Cifrão symbol.svg02 and cupro-nickel 0Cifrão symbol.svg04 coins were issued between 1917 and 1922.

In 1920, bronze 5 centavos and cupro-nickel 0Cifrão symbol.svg10 and 0Cifrão symbol.svg20 coins were introduced, followed, in 1924, by bronze 0Cifrão symbol.svg10 and 0Cifrão symbol.svg20 and aluminium-bronze 0Cifrão symbol.svg50 and 1Cifrão symbol.svg coins. Aluminium bronze was replaced with cupro-nickel in 1927.

In 1932, silver coins were introduced for 2Cifrão symbol.svg50, 5Cifrão symbol.svg00 and 10Cifrão symbol.svg00. The 2Cifrão symbol.svg50 and 5Cifrão symbol.svg00 were minted until 1951, with the 10Cifrão symbol.svg00 minted until 1955 with a reduced silver content. In 1963, cupro-nickel 2Cifrão symbol.svg50 and 5Cifrão symbol.svg00 were introduced, followed by aluminium 0Cifrão symbol.svg10, bronze 0Cifrão symbol.svg20 and 0Cifrão symbol.svg50 and 1Cifrão symbol.svg in 1969. Cupro-nickel 10Cifrão symbol.svg00 and 25Cifrão symbol.svg00 were introduced in 1971 and 1977, respectively. In 1986, a new coinage was introduced which circulated until replacement by the euro. It consisted of nickel-brass 1Cifrão symbol.svg00, 5Cifrão symbol.svg00 and 10Cifrão symbol.svg00, cupro-nickel 20Cifrão symbol.svg00 and 50Cifrão symbol.svg00, with bimetallic 100Cifrão symbol.svg00 and 200Cifrão symbol.svg00 introduced in 1989 and 1991.

Coins in circulation at the time of the changeover to the euro were:

  • 1Cifrão symbol.svg00 (0.50 cent)
  • 5Cifrão symbol.svg00 (2.49 cents)
  • 10Cifrão symbol.svg00 (4.99 cents)
  • 20Cifrão symbol.svg00 (9.98 cents)
  • 50Cifrão symbol.svg00 (24.94 cents)
  • 100Cifrão symbol.svg00 (49.88 cents)
  • 200Cifrão symbol.svg00 (99.76 cents)

Coins ceased to be exchangeable for euros on December 31, 2002.

Coins of the Portuguese escudo
Image Value Equivalent in euros Diameter Weight Thickness Material Obverse Reverse Dates of issue
1Cifrão symbol.svg00 0.50 cent 16  mm 1.69 g 1.2 mm Nickel-brass Coat of arms of Portugal and knot Stained glass window pattern 1986-2001
5Cifrão symbol.svg00 2.49 cents 21.1  mm 5.25 g 2 mm Nickel-brass Coat of arms of Portugal and knot Stained glass window pattern 1986-2001
10Cifrão symbol.svg00 4.99 cents 23.5  mm 7.5 g 2.3 mm Nickel-brass Coat of arms of Portugal and knot Stained glass window pattern 1986-2001
20Cifrão symbol.svg00 9.98 cents 26.5  mm 6.9 g 1.64 mm Copper-nickel Coat of arms of Portugal Nautical compass and the cross of the Order of Christ 1986-2001
50Cifrão symbol.svg00 24.94 cents 31  mm 9.41 g 1.65 mm Copper-nickel Coat of arms of Portugal Stylized ship and four fishes below 1986-2001
100Cifrão symbol.svg00 49.88 cents 25.5  mm 8.3 g 2.5 mm Bi-metallic coin (Aluminium-bronze center plug with a Copper-nickel outer ring) Coat of arms of Portugal Pedro Nunes; text "EUROPA" 1989-2001
200Cifrão symbol.svg00 99.76 cents 28  mm 9.8 g 2.2 mm Bi-metallic coin (Copper-nickel center plug with an Aluminium-bronze outer ring) Coat of arms of Portugal Garcia de Orta 1991-2001

Another name for the 0Cifrão symbol.svg50 coin was coroa (crown). Long after the 0Cifrão symbol.svg50 coins disappeared, people still called the 2Cifrão symbol.svg50 coins cinco coroas ("five crowns").

Also, people still referred to escudos at the time of the changeover in multiples of the older currency real (plural réis). Many people called the 2Cifrão symbol.svg50 coins dois e quinhentos (two and five-hundreds), referring to the correspondence 2Cifrão symbol.svg50 = 2500 réis. Tostão (plural tostões) is yet another multiple of real, with 1 tostão = 100 réis.


Counterfeit 500Cifrão symbol.svg00 note (upper) and a genuine banknote (lower) of Banco de Portugal. Both carry the same serial number of 1K 02201, 1922. On display at the British Museum in London

The Casa da Moeda issued notes for 0Cifrão symbol.svg05, 0Cifrão symbol.svg10 and 0Cifrão symbol.svg20 between 1917 and 1925 whilst, between 1913 and 1922, the Banco de Portugal introduced notes for 0Cifrão symbol.svg50, 1Cifrão symbol.svg00, 2Cifrão symbol.svg50, 5Cifrão symbol.svg00, 10Cifrão symbol.svg00, 20Cifrão symbol.svg00, 50Cifrão symbol.svg00, 100Cifrão symbol.svg00, 500Cifrão symbol.svg00 and 1,000Cifrão symbol.svg00. 0Cifrão symbol.svg50 and 1Cifrão symbol.svg00 notes ceased production in 1920, followed by 2Cifrão symbol.svg50, 5Cifrão symbol.svg and 10Cifrão symbol.svg in 1925 and 1926. 5,000Cifrão symbol.svg notes were introduced in 1942.

The last 20Cifrão symbol.svg00 and 50Cifrão symbol.svg00 notes were printed dated 1978 and 1980, respectively, with 100Cifrão symbol.svg00 notes being replaced by coins in 1989, the same year that the 10,000Cifrão symbol.svg00 note was introduced.

Banknotes in circulation at the time of the changeover to the euro were:

  • 500Cifrão symbol.svg00 (€2.49)
  • 1,000Cifrão symbol.svg00 (€4.99)
  • 2,000Cifrão symbol.svg00 (€9.98)
  • 5,000Cifrão symbol.svg00 (€24.94)
  • 10,000Cifrão symbol.svg00 (€49.88)

The last series of escudo banknotes could be returned to the central bank Banco de Portugal and converted to euros until 28 February 2022.

Escudo banknotes celebrated notable figures from the history of Portugal. The final banknote series featured the Age of Discovery, with João de Barros, Pedro Álvares Cabral, Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco da Gama, and Henry the Navigator.

The last 100Cifrão symbol.svg00 banknote depicted Fernando Pessoa, the famous Portuguese writer and poet.

Banknotes of the Portuguese escudo (1995–2000 "Portuguese seafarers & explorers" Issue)
Image Value Equivalent in Euros (€) Main color Obverse Reverse Watermark
[1] 500Cifrão symbol.svg00 €2.49 Olive and Violet João de Barros Allegory of the Age of Discovery João de Barros
[2] 1,000Cifrão symbol.svg00 €4.99 Brown and Purple Pedro Álvares Cabral Sailing ship, animals of Brazil Pedro Álvares Cabral
[3] 2,000Cifrão symbol.svg00 €9.98 Blue and deep blue-green Bartolomeu Dias; Cruzado coin of Dom João II Sailing ship, compass card, map Bartolomeu Dias
[4] 5,000Cifrão symbol.svg00 €24.94 Green and brown-violet Vasco da Gama Sailing ship, Vasco da Gama with authorities in Calicut Vasco de Gama
[5] 10,000Cifrão symbol.svg00 €49.88 Red and dark brown Henry the Navigator (Infante Dom Henrique) Sailing ship Henry the Navigator (Infante Dom Henrique)

Colloquial expressions

Conto was the unofficial multiple of the escudo: 1 conto meant 1,000Cifrão symbol.svg00, 2 contos meant 2,000Cifrão symbol.svg00 and so on. The original expression was conto de réis, which means 'one count of réis' and referred to one million réis. Since the escudo was worth 1,000 réis (the older currency), therefore one conto was the same as a thousand escudos. The expression remained in usage after the advent of the euro, albeit less often, meaning €5, roughly worth 1,000Cifrão symbol.svg00.

Occasionally paus, literally meaning 'sticks', was also used to refer to the escudo ("Tens mil paus?" – 'Do you have 1,000 escudos/sticks?'). During the move from escudos to euros the Portuguese had a joke saying that they had lost three currencies: the escudo, the conto, and the pau.

See also


  1. ^ Hayes, Peter (1 April 2015). How Was It Possible?: A Holocaust Reader. University of Nebraska Press. ISBN 9780803274914. Retrieved 8 April 2018 – via Google Books.
  2. ^ "Use of the euro". European Central Bank. Retrieved 28 November 2016.
  3. ^ Cuhaj 2009, p. 1147.
  4. ^ Cuhaj 2013, p. 1253.
  5. ^ Cuhaj 2013, p. 1254.
  6. ^ Cuhaj 2013, pp. 1254–55.


External links

Preceded by Portuguese currency
Succeeded by
  1. ^ 1999 by law, 2002 de facto.