"I like everything to be clean and aboveboard, you know," Mister Bowles said, when I gave him the papers.

"I, on the other hand," I said politely, "prefer a certain degree of fruitful murk."

— Barry Unsworth, "Pascali's Island, W. W. Norton & Company, 17 November 1997, page 83"

New pages

Daw Mi Mi Khaing - Leslie Milne (anthropologist) - The Glass Palace - Herbert Thirkell White - Taukkyan War Cemetery - Tawngpeng - Tay Za - The Burman: His Life and Notions - Namshan - Kalaymyo - History of rail transport in Burma - Rail transport in Burma - Myanmar Railways - Pajau - Mabel Cosgrove Wodehouse Pearse - Defeat into Victory

Strychnine in the Soup - Mulliner's Buck-U-Uppo - A Slice of Life - The Smile that Wins - Best Seller - The Truth About George - The Bishop's Move - Honeysuckle Cottage

Maigret and the Headless Corpse - Maigret Hesitates - Maigret at the Gai-Moulin - Maigret in Exile - Maigret Has Scruples - Maigret in Retirement - Maigret's Failure - Maigret and the Yellow Dog

The Ruby in her Navel - Land of Marvels - Our Kind of Traitor - Losing Nelson - The Siege (novel) - The Mystery of Orcival - The Greeks Have a Word For It - To Rise Again at a Decent Hour - We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves - All That is Solid Melts into Air (novel) - Template:Mulliner Stories

National Museum of Natural History, New Delhi - Billa Ranga Kidnapping Case - Imperial Indian Mail - Kalka Mail - Mughalsarai Junction - Great Eastern Hotel (Kolkata) - List of Shiva temples in India - Laxman Rao - Indira Gandhi Sarani - Arathoon Stephen - Seeta (1934 film) - Template:Museums in Delhi - Template:Delhi landmarks - Template:Historical trains in India - Curfewed Night

Manufacturers Trust Company - Cycling in New York City - Bloomingdale District - Steve Cohen (magician) - Deborah Baker - Amasa J. Parker, Jr. - California Hill State Forest - Meyer Berger - Jay Walder - Trevor Morrison - Costis Maglaras - Nancy Reynolds - Steven C. Smith (author) - The Cathedral School, New York

Copán (disambiguation) - El Puente - Cup Final (film) - La Foce - War in the Val D'Orcia - Boulevard Richard-Lenoir - Groupe de La Cité - - Looping (education) - The Light (film) - Gemlich letter - Robin Biddulph - Hollywood Wolves


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Edwin W. Clark