Dutch folk dance are the traditional dances that were performed for the folk.

Many[who?] associate Dutch folk dance with clogging, though clogs in practice limit the dance moves. Therefore, the folk dance is mostly danced in shoes.[clarification needed] Historically the Dutch danced in shoes as this was part of their Church going clothing.[citation needed] Clogs were used for work only.

Most folk dances regarded as Dutch are Scottish origin, like Skotse trije, Skotse fjouwer, horlepiep of hakke toone.[citation needed] In the East of the Netherlands dances like Driekusman, Hoksebarger, Veleta, Kruispolka and the Spaanse Wals are of German origin.[citation needed]

Nowadays new folk dances are still being created. It concerns new dance moves (patterns) that borrow from the traditional dances.

Folk dances are not often danced anymore. Some old fashioned farmer weddings still feature them and in old people homes the dances are used as exercise; There are few dancers under the age of forty.[citation needed]