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MP nature.png Nature
MP images.png Images

MP science.png Science
MP sounds.png Soonds

MP society.png Associe
MP videos.png Videos

Picture o' th' day
Picture of the day
Iglesia de La Compañía, Quito, Ecuador, 2015-07-22, DD 116-118 HDR.JPG
Main altar of the Church of the Society of Jesus (La Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús), a Jesuit church in Quito, Ecuador. The exterior belies the beauty of the interior. The long central nave is profusely decorated with gold leaf, gilded plaster, and wood carvings, making it the most ornate church in Quito. The church is one of the most significant works of Spanish Baroque architecture in America and considered the most beautiful in Ecuador.  
Media o' th' day
Media of the day
Boyle's law demonstrations. This NCSSM video shows the relationship between volume and pressure by placing a balloon, a marshmallow, and shaving cream in a vacuum bell jar.  

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Th'day in images
Image donation by mineral collector Robert Lavinsky

Robert Lavinsky, PhD, has donated his complete picture database oan mindat.org (about 29,000) 'n' a' images frae his ain homepage irocks.com tae Wikimedia Commons. He haes an' a' shored aboot 20,000 additional picters frae his archive tae be used as needed.

We hulp translating th' description o' a' picters, screening th' picters oan irocks.com fur missing picters, 'n' uploading thaim tae Commons. Ye kin read mair aboot howfur ye kin hulp us 'ere.


If yer browsing Commons fur th' foremaist time, ye kin wantae stairt wi' Featured picters, Quality images or Valued images. Ye kin an' a' see some wirk created by oor gey skilled contreibuters Meet oor photographers and Meet oor illustrators.


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