Eureka Email is an e-mail client. It has features not found in other e-mail clients.[citation needed]


Eureka Email began as a project of Sean O' Connor in mid-2002. He wrote the program and made it available for download in November of that year. Updates were frequent at first, but began to decrease in availability (as the update from 2.0 to 2.1 took over a year). No updates have been released since version 2.2 in 2005.

Version history

  • 2002 Version 1.0
  • 2003 Version 1.1
  • 2003 Version 2.0
  • 2004 Version 2.1
  • 2005 Version 2.2

No further updates have been released.


  • View e-mails as icons: allows icons to be assigned to different senders.
  • Intelligent junk mail filter: analyzes junk mail that has been dragged into the junk mail folder, then blocks similar messages in the future.
  • Multiple POP accounts: queries many different mail servers as the user specifies to keep the inbox clean.
  • Grouping: creates a group from a sender and all the people on that e-mail's CC list.
  • Searching: search for all the e-mails sent, all e-mail on the current subject (a "conversation"), and all e-mails from a company (or sender's domain).
  • Spell checker: checks every word and offers corrections
  • Dismiss feature: sends e-mails to a user-specified folder when the user is done with it.
  • Virus/Trojan blocker: questions running a .exe file before launching it (if the sender is not in the address book)
  • Address book: allows assignement of an icon and a sound to a sender.