
Not to be confused with Wikipedia:Toolserver, as WP:TOOLS redirects here.

The pages listed below contain various tools and tutorials intended to simplify, make more efficient, or provide additional functionality to Wikipedians. See also Category:Wikipedia tools and Task-oriented tool list. For the Toolserver, see Wikipedia:Toolserver. For other useful directories, see the navigation bar above. For a searchable index of a selection of tools, see the tool directory or Directory NG.

Browsing and editing

wikEd is a full-featured in-browser text editor for Wikipedia edit pages
  • Editing tools, tools intended to provide enhanced editing functionality. Contains edit page tools, edit bots, spellcheckers, wikisyntax conversion utilities, etc.
  • Browser tools, tools categorized by browser type
  • Citation tools, tools for citing and referencing
  • Anti-vandalism tools, tools for patrolling and cleaning up Wikipedia
  • Alternative browsing, alternatives to accessing Wikipedia through your web browser (mobile devices, desktop integration, alternate portals, etc.)
  • User scripts, a collection of JavaScript routines that add functionality to Wikipedia pages (e.g., regex search and replace, changing article formatting, and simplifying common tasks)
  • WikiNodes — App for the iPad that displays sections of articles and related articles as "nodes." Uses SpicyNodes visualization method. Produced by IDEA. (External link)
  • MW - "VCS-like nonsense for MediaWiki websites" with status, pull, diff, commit, and merge.
  • WatchlistBot is a bot that delivers realtime alerts via instant message (XMPP) when watched articles are edited or when watched users or IP networks edit.
  • Navigation shortcuts offer the ability to add personal links to the sidebar, providing quick and easy access to favourite articles within Wikipedia.
  • WikiGalaxy - explore Wikipedia in 3D



  • WP-Download – Download and import Wikipedia SQL dumps

Google tools

Note: Google search results can be several days or even weeks out of date.

Page histories



Finding the responsible user

  • WikiBlame – searches for given text in versions of article
  • Article Blamer – similar to WikiBlame, identifies revisions that added given text (originally from Soxred93)
  • User:AmiDaniel/WhodunitQuery – Windows application that identifies the edit and user who added a specific word or phrase

User edit counts and analysis

  • userhist – user script, adds interface elements for isolating a user's changes to a page.
  • Contributors[tool migration in progress] – lists edits, similar to page history, but can be sorted by contributor; easy to exclude different groups
superseded by X!'s Page History

Edit counters

User interaction analysis

  • Editor Interaction Analyzer – compares the edits of specified editors to see which articles overlap, sorted by minimum time between edits by both users. Only works on the English Wikipedia.
  • Wikistalk – similar, but also compares the edits of specified editors in any Wikimedia Foundation wiki to see which articles overlap; also allows namespace selection("404 - Not Found" as of 1 August 2014)
  • Intersect Contribs – compares the edits of two editors in any Wikimedia Foundation wiki to see which articles overlap


See also

Importing (converting) content to Wikipedia (MediaWiki) format

Google Docs Spreadsheet:
  • Spreadsheet-to-MediaWiki-table-Converter This class constructs a MediaWiki-format table from an Excel/GoogleDoc copy&paste. It provides a variety of methods to modify the style. It defaults to a Wikipedia styling with first column header.[1]
Microsoft Word:
See also: Help:WordToWiki
  • mw:Extension:Word2MediaWikiPlus – a tool that converts Microsoft Word documents to MediaWiki. For Ms Word 2000 or 2003. "Support for Word 2007 and a bunch of other fixes, but it needs to be installed by hand".
  • For other Macro, see mw:Word_macros – Visual Basic macros to use within Microsoft Word to prepare content to be pasted into a Wikipedia page.
  • MSOffice add-on. For Microsoft Word 2007 or higher.
  • wikEd – a full-featured in-browser text editor for Wikipedia edit pages that can convert text and tables pasted from Microsoft Word with a button click
Microsoft Excel:
  • Sun Wiki Publisher - an OpenOffice extension that allows exporting documents as MediaWiki source text via the File → Export → File Format drop down menu. Since can open all Microsoft Office files, one can open files created in Microsoft Word and export them to the MediaWiki format. Compatible with: 3.0 | StarOffice 9 or higher. Also available for LibreOffice
  • Writer2MediaWiki: OpenOffice macro for converting to MediaWiki format. For OpenOffice version 3.1 or higher
  • Html2Wiki is an extension for MediaWiki that imports HTML
Google Slides:
Google Docs:
Many formats
  • pandoc is an universal document converter

Export: Conversion to other formats

LaTeX or PDF
HTML for Wordpress blogs

Geotagging related tools

  • GeoLocator – Wikipedia compatible geotagging metadata generator and coordinate editor


  • Syndication – RSS feeds, etc.
  • Researching Wikipedia: Tools for data analysis
  • Six Degrees of Wikipedia – finding the shortest path via wikilinks between two articles (broken)
  • Not English – tools that have not yet been translated completely into English. Some need their descriptions translated from German, others are not available in English. Help translate if you can!
  • WikiFORJA[dead link] – Rankings and tools
  • Checklinks – Check all external links and helps resolve HTTP redirects
  • WikiBiff – To alert users when they have new messages waiting on their talk pages
  • Desktop Watchlist – Enhanced watchlist for Windows
  • Category Watchlist – Watching additions and removals to categories
  • CategoryWatchlistBot – Watch category and/or template additions/removals, supports partial name matches and subcategories
  • CatScan2 (manual) {{Catscan2}} – searches categories recursively. will find subcategories that overlap with other categories, templates, etc.
  • Shorturl: generating shorturl for Wikipedia articles
  • Yanker: creates list of the following: (1) pages in a category or (2) page titles matching a particular pattern
  • User:SuggestBot for suggested articles you might like to edit
  • WikipediaVision a site that shows in semi-realtime where anonymous edits to Wikipedia are originating from
  • RAMP editor: can generate enhanced authority records for creators of archival collections
  • XEcho Shows your global cross-wiki notifications from 800+ wikis at a glance

Sources for code for new tools

See also


External links