
It is possible to Hide Pages in Your Watchlist using CSS. To hide a page, go to your skin.css page. The CSS code required is different depending on whether you have the "Enhanced recent changes" option selected in your preferences.

Enhanced recent changes disabled

Use the following example to hide whatever page you want from your watchlist, by adding a line (on a new line) in your skin.css page file. Example:

.watchlist-4-Hide_Pages_in_Watchlist { display: none; }

hides Wikipedia:Hide Pages in Watchlist.

The "4" is the namespace of the page, which can be determined by using the table found on the right of this page. Spaces and slashes (/) in the page name must be replaced with an underscore (_).

Another example:

.watchlist-5-Manual_of_Style_Layout { display: none; }

hides Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style/Layout.

Enhanced recent changes enabled

When using "enhanced recent changes", the code for the above examples is changed to:

.mw-changeslist-ns4-Hide_Pages_in_Watchlist { display: none; }
.mw-changeslist-ns5-Administrators_Noticeboard { display: none; }

Previous method

Note: the previous script method for doing this is now deprecated, and didn't work with "Enhanced recent changes" at all.