
For the fastest way to request oversight, click here.

Read on for information on when to request suppression, how to request it, and what information the oversighter will need from you.

You must never draw attention to suppressible material and links on Wikipedia or other public venues. Requests are only accepted by email or other private methods.

When will we suppress?

We suppress edits that breach somebody's privacy or defame somebody. We only suppress if they do this in such a way that the edit should not be visible even to Wikipedia administrators; otherwise, Revision Deletion (RevDel) may be used.

Wikipedia has a strict privacy policy that means we only allow an edit, once it is suppressed, to be viewed by a small, vetted, and identified team of highly-trusted users (the "Oversighters"). Please see Wikipedia:Oversight for more information on the Oversight/suppression system and team members.

We usually suppress an edit or other information on Wikipedia if it contains the following type of information:

  1. Non-public personal information about a real individual. This could be private information about you or others

    This includes a telephone number, an address or location, the name of a workplace or school, other online and offline identities, a date of birth, accidentally disclosed IP addresses, and (subject to oversighter judgment) other information of an identifying nature.

  2. Clearly private, personal, or non-public information.

    We suppress some highly sensitive and potentially harmful non-public information, even if it does not strictly help "identify" the person. In the past, we have suppressed content such as the self-disclosure of age or date of birth of a minor, or an individual's medical information. This is subject to oversighter discretion.

  3. Clearly (or probably) libelous posts when we have no editorial need to keep the revision.
  4. Gross vandalism that we would delete if usual deletion tools could deal with it. This includes grossly improper user names. (This is an interim policy and subject to change.)
  5. Other reasons: We are not likely to make other exceptions, but reserve the right to do so.

    An example of one instance where an edit was exceptionally suppressed was an edit made as part of a real-world stalking campaign, where the edit had no project value, and where no lesser remedy was sufficient. Suppression may also be used for copyright violations upon instruction of Wikimedia Foundation counsel.

We will use our best judgement in applying these criteria to your request. If we deny your request, you can instead request speedy deletion or revision deletion. These processes remove content from public view and leave it visible only to administrators; this is adequate for many cases, and means your content is not available to almost every Wikipedia reader. Appeal of our decisions is only to the Audit Subcommittee.

What information do we need?

You and anybody may request suppression at any time, but we will require the following information. Please ensure you provide it, or your request will be delayed.

  • The full URL (web browser address) of the page, edit, log, or log entry containing information you think we need to suppress. If the facts are not obvious, please also supply a brief description of what we need to suppress and why we need to suppress it.

If you know how to do so, please also:

  • Send us diff(s) of the content requiring suppression. This saves us time.
  • RevisionDelete or revert the relevant revision(s) first (but only if it will not draw undue attention). This removes the material from public view and stops it being perpetuated in future edits. Never use an edit or log summary like "awaiting suppression" when you do this; be discrete.

How do you contact us?

Choose one or more of the following:

Monitored at most times.

Monitored at most times.

Fast if an oversighter is around and available.

Wikipedia administrators: Due to the sensitive nature of this page and how easily it could be misused, you must not unprotect this page. Thank you.

The suppression team does not respond to threats of harm. Such emergencies are dealt with as described here.