Babel user information
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
fr-2 Cet utilisateur dispose d’un niveau intermédiaire de connaissance en français.
ee-N This user has a native understanding of eʋegbe.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
Users by language
Arobaze.svg This user can be reached by email.
Flag-map of Ghana.svg This user comes from Ghana.
UTC+0 This user's timezone is UTC+0.
Photographers at Oxbow Bend in Grand Teton NP-NPS.jpg

Hope to own one of these soon :-) You can surprise me with one if you can. :-D. Cheers!

Useful links


{{Credit line |Author = © Enock Seth Nyamador | Other = Wikimedia Commons |License = CC-BY-SA-3.0}}

TUSC token: 1d73ab335eb5be51bfd3f75926b874a5

I am now proud owner of a WMFLabs TUSC account!