Yinchuan railway station (simplified Chinese: 银川站; traditional Chinese: 銀川站; pinyin: Yínchuān Zhàn) is the main railway station of Yinchuan, the capital of China's Ningxia province. The station was opened in 1958. In 1988, a new station building was inaugurated, which was replaced in 2011 by a building on the opposite (eastern) side of the platforms.[4]

Old station building


  1. ^ "兰州局集团公司客运站数据(车站)". 中国铁路客户服务中心. Retrieved 2019-09-29.
  2. ^ 中华人民共和国铁路车站代码(GB/T 10302-2010). 中国标准出版社. 2010. p. 44. ISBN 155066140495.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: ignored ISBN errors (link)
  3. ^ 铁道部电子计算技术中心, 铁道部运输局 (1998). 铁路车站站名代码表:TMIS使用. 北京: 中国铁道出版社. p. 17. ISBN 9787113030995.
  4. ^ "关于自治区十二届人大二次会议第54号建议《关于协调自治区人民政府给与银川火车西站综合客运枢纽西站房及周边棚户区改造资金支持的建议》协办意见的答复". 银川市财政局. 2019-08-30. Retrieved 2019-09-29.