Sinomenium is a genus of plant in family Menispermaceae first described as a genus in 1910.[2] It contains only one known species, Sinomenium acutum, native to China, northern India, Nepal, Japan, northern Thailand,[3] and also Korea.

Fossil record

Sinomenium macrofossils have been recovered from the late Zanclean stage of Pliocene sites in Pocapaglia, Italy.[4] Macrofossils of Sinomenium cantalense have been recovered from the Zanclean stage of the Pliocene epoch in Western Georgia in the Caucasus region.[5]


  1. ^ The Plant List, Sinomenium acutum (Thunb.) Rehder & E.H.Wilson
  2. ^ Diels, Friedrich Ludwig Emil. 1910. Das Pflanzenreich IV. 94(Heft 46): 254, 204
  3. ^ Flora of China Vol. 7 Page 15 风龙 feng long Sinomenium acutum (Thunberg) Rehder & E. H. Wilson in Sargent, Pl. Wilson. 1: 387. 1913.
  4. ^ Messian to Zanclean vegetation and climate of Northern and Central Italy by Adele Bertini & Edoardo Martinetto, Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana, 47 (2), 2008, 105-121. Modena, 11 lugio 2008.
  5. ^ The History of the Flora and Vegetation of Georgia by Irina Shatilova, Nino Mchedlishvili, Luara Rukhadze, Eliso Kvavadze, Georgian National Museum Institute of Paleobiology, Tbilisi 2011, ISBN 978-9941-9105-3-1