LA most frequently refers to Los Angeles, the second largest city in the United States.

La, LA, or L.A. may also refer to:

Arts and entertainment


Other media

  • l(a, a poem by E. E. Cummings
  • La (Tarzan), fictional queen of the lost city of Opar (Tarzan)
  • , later known as Lá Nua, an Irish language newspaper
  • La7, an Italian television channel
  • LucasArts, an American video game developer and publisher
  • Liber Annuus, academic journal

Business, organizations, and government agencies




North America


Science, technology, and mathematics

Biology, biochemistry, and medicine


  • Load average, a measure of the amount of computational work that a computer system performs

Other uses in science, technology, and mathematics

Other uses

People with the given name, La

Vessels of the United States Navy

See also