Juan de la Cruz Benavente (c. 1818 – 27 March 1876) was a Bolivian lawyer and politician who served as minister of government and foreign affairs from 1862 to 1863. He previously served as minister of public instruction and foreign affairs from 1854 to 1857. In 1863, he was named Bolivia's Minister Plenipotentiary in Peru, and was charged with the negotiations that led to the signing of the Treaty of Defensive Alliance with Peru on February 6, 1873.


  • Cayo Córdova, Percy: El entorno internacional y la política exterior en el periodo 1870–1876. Tercera parte de Historia Marítima del Perú. La República – 1870 a 1876 (Tomo IX, Volumen 1). Instituto de Estudios Históricos Marítimos del Perú. Lima-Perú, 1993.
  • Basadre Grohmann, Jorge: Historia de la República del Perú (1822–1933), 18 tomos. Editada por la Empresa Editora El Comercio S. A. Lima, 2005. ISBN 9972-205-62-2 Edición digital: Perú Quiosco

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