Muhammad ibn Badr, commonly known as Jajarmi, was a 14th-century Persian poet and anthologist from Isfahan, Iran.[1] Little is known about his life, and his only surviving work is an anthology of poems titled Moʾnes al-aḥrār fi daqāʾeq al-ašʿār ("The Free Man's Companion to the Niceties of Poems").[2][1]



  • Beelaert, Anna Livia (2008). "Jājarmi". In Yarshater, Ehsan (ed.). Encyclopædia Iranica, Volume XIV/4: Jade III–Jamalzadeh, Mohammad-Ali II. Work. London and New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul. pp. 397–398. ISBN 978-1-934283-04-2.