Clerodendrum golden mosaic China virus (ClGMCNV) is a bipartite Begomovirus isolated from flowering plants in the Clerodendrum genus. The virus causes yellow mosaic disease in various plant species, including Nicotiana, Petunia, Solanum, and Capsicum species.[1] It is associated with a mosaic disease known as 'Dancing Flame'.[2]


  1. ^ Li, J; Zhou, X (2010). "Molecular characterization and experimental host-range of two begomoviruses infecting Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum in China". Virus Genes. 41 (2): 250–9. doi:10.1007/s11262-010-0493-4. PMID 20532974. S2CID 22976143.
  2. ^ Valverde, R.A.; Singh, R.; Sabanadzovic, S. (2012). "Detection and identification of Clerodendron golden mosaic China virus in Salvia splendens". European Journal of Plant Pathology. 133 (3): 499–503. doi:10.1007/s10658-011-9923-y. S2CID 15008338.