190 (one hundred [and] ninety) is the natural number following 189 and preceding 191.

In mathematics

190 is a triangular number, a hexagonal number, and a centered nonagonal number, the fourth figurate number (after 1, 28, and 91) with that combination of properties.[1] It is also a truncated square pyramid number.[2]

Integers from 191 to 199

191 is a prime number.
192 = 26 × 3 is a 3-smooth number, the smallest number with 14 divisors.
193 is a prime number.
194 = 2 × 97 is a Markov number, the smallest number written as the sum of three squares in five ways, and the number of irreducible representations of the Monster group.
195 = 3 × 5 × 13 is the smallest number expressed as a sum of distinct squares in 16 different ways.
196 = 22 × 72 is a square number.
197 is a prime number and a Schröder–Hipparchus number.
198 = 2 × 32 × 11 is the smallest number written as the sum of four squares in ten ways.
No integer factorial ever ends in exactly 198 zeroes in base 10 or in base 12.[3][4]
There are 198 ridges on a U.S. dollar coin.[5]
199 is a prime number and a centered triangular number.

In other fields

See also
