<nowiki>radice di loto; 蓮藕; rhizome de lotus; loto errizoma; Корень лотоса; Lotuswurzel; رنکن; 蓮藕; レンコン; Lotusrot; Корінь лотосу; lotuswortel; 蓮藕; rizoma de lotus; نېلۇپەر يىلتىزى; Lotus rhizome; 蓮藕; 莲藕; 연근; rizoma commestibile della pianta di loto; 野菜として食べられるハスの根; essbares Rhizom der Lotuspflanze; edible rhizome of the lotus plant; rhizome comestible de lotus; 蓮的根部; eetbare wortelstok van de lotusplant; はすね; 蓮根; 蓮茎; 藕; れんこん; Wurzelstock von Lotus; Lotus-Rhizom; 藕; lotus root; Lotus Roots; loto sustrai; loto erro; 藕; 莲藕; 藕片; racine de lotus</nowiki>


This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.

Media in category "Nelumbo nucifera rhizome"

The following 36 files are in this category, out of 36 total.