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304 is the natural number following 303 and preceding 305.

In mathematics

  • 304 is an even composite number with two prime factors.[1]
  • 304 is the sum of consecutive primes in two different ways:[2] It is the sum of 41+43+47+53+59+61 and of 23+29+31+37+41+43+47+53.
  • 304 is a primitive semiperfect number meaning that it is a semiperfect number that is not divisible by any other semiperfect number.[3]
  • 304 is an untouchable number meaning that it is not equal to the sum of any number’s proper divisors.[4]
  • 304 is a nontotient number meaning that it is an even number where phi(x) cannot result in that number.[5]


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