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This is a list of acts of the Parliament of England for the year 1609.

For acts passed during the period 1707–1800, see the list of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain. See also the list of acts of the Parliament of Scotland, and the list of acts of the Parliament of Ireland.

For acts passed from 1801 onwards, see the list of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. For acts of the devolved parliaments and assemblies in the United Kingdom, see the list of acts of the Scottish Parliament, the list of acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly, and the list of acts and measures of Senedd Cymru; see also the list of acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland.

For medieval statutes, etc. that are not considered to be acts of Parliament, see the list of English statutes.

See also the List of ordinances and acts of the Parliament of England, 1642–1660 for ordinances and acts passed by the Long Parliament and other bodies without royal assent, and which were not considered to be valid legislation following the Restoration in 1660.

The number shown after each act's title is its chapter number. Acts are cited using this number, preceded by the years of the reign during which the relevant parliamentary session was held; thus the Union with Ireland Act 1800 is cited as "39 & 40 Geo. 3. c. 67", meaning the 67th act passed during the session that started in the 39th year of the reign of George III and which finished in the 40th year of that reign. Note that the modern convention is to use Arabic numerals in citations (thus "41 Geo. 3" rather than "41 Geo. III"). Acts of the last session of the Parliament of Great Britain and the first session of the Parliament of the United Kingdom are both cited as "41 Geo. 3".

Acts passed by the Parliament of England did not have a short title; however, some of these acts have subsequently been given a short title by acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom (such as the Short Titles Act 1896).

Acts passed by the Parliament of England were deemed to have come into effect on the first day of the session in which they were passed. Because of this, the years given in the list below may in fact be the year before a particular act was passed.

7 Jas. 1

The fourth session of the 1st Parliament of King James I (the 'Blessed Parliament'), which met from 9 February 1610 until 23 July 1610.

This session was traditionally cited as 7 Jac. 1.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent (or the start of session)
Long title
7 Jas. 1. c. 1
23 July 1610
An act for the better execution of justice, and suppressing of criminal offenders, in the north parts of the kingdom of England.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1863 (26 & 27 Vict. c. 125))
7 Jas. 1. c. 2
23 July 1610
An Act that all such as are to be naturalized, or restored in blood, shall first receive the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and the oath of allegiance and the oath of supremacy.
(Repealed by Naturalization Act 1870 (33 & 34 Vict. c. 14))
7 Jas. 1. c. 3
23 July 1610
An Act for the continuing and better maintenance of husbandry and other manual occupations, by the true implement of monies given and to be given for the binding out of apprentices.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1863 (26 & 27 Vict. c. 125))
7 Jas. 1. c. 4
23 July 1610
An Act for the due execution of divers laws and statutes heretofore made against rogues, vagabonds and sturdy beggars, and other lewd and idle persons.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1863 (26 & 27 Vict. c. 125))
7 Jas. 1. c. 5
23 July 1610
An Act for ease in pleading troublesome and contentious suits prosecuted against justices of the peace, mayors, constables, and certain other his Majesty's officers, for the lawful execution of their office.
(Repealed by Public Authorities Protection Act 1893 (56 & 57 Vict. c. 61))
7 Jas. 1. c. 6
23 July 1610
An Act for administring the oath of allegiance, and reformation of married women recusants.
(Repealed by Religious Disabilities Act 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 59))
7 Jas. 1. c. 7
23 July 1610
An Act for the punishing and correcting of deceit and frauds committed by sorts, kembers and spinsters of wool, and weavers of woolen yarn.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1863 (26 & 27 Vict. c. 125))
Cattle Act 1609 (repealed)
7 Jas. 1. c. 8
23 July 1610
An Act to inlarge an act of parliament made in the second and third year of King Philip and Queen Mary, intituled, "An Act for the keeping of milch-kine, or breeding and rearing of calves."[a]
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1863 (26 & 27 Vict. c. 125))
7 Jas. 1. c. 9
23 July 1610
An Act for the bringing of fresh streams of water by engine from Hackney-Marsh to the city of London, for the benefit of the King's college at Chelsey.[b]
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1948 (11 & 12 Geo. 6. c. 62))
7 Jas. 1. c. 10
23 July 1610
An Act for the reformation of alehouse-keepers.
(Repealed by Alehouse Act 1828 (9 Geo. 4. c. 61))
Game Act 1609 (repealed)
7 Jas. 1. c. 11
23 July 1610
An act to prevent the spoil of corn and grain, by untimely hawking, and for the better preservation of pheasants and partridges.
(Repealed by Game Act 1831 (1 & 2 Will. 4. c. 32))
7 Jas. 1. c. 12
23 July 1610
An Acte to avoide the double Payment of Debtes.
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1969 (c. 52))
7 Jas. 1. c. 13
23 July 1610
An Act for the explanation of a statute made in the second session of this present parliament, intituled, "An Act against unlawful hunting and stealing of deer and conies."
(Repealed by Criminal Statutes Repeal Act 1827 (7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 27))
Horns Act 1609 (repealed)
7 Jas. 1. c. 14
23 July 1610
An Act for reviving of part of a former act made in the fourth year of King Edward the Fourth, That no stranger or alient shall buy English horns unwrought; and that the wardens of the horners of the city of London for the time being, should have power to search all manner of wares appertaining to their mystery in London, and twenty-four miles on every side of it.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1863 (26 & 27 Vict. c. 125))
7 Jas. 1. c. 15
23 July 1610
An Acte concerninge some maner of Assignementes of Debtes to His Majesty.
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1969 (c. 52)
Cloths Act 1609 (repealed)
7 Jas. 1. c. 16
23 July 1610
An Act for the encouragement of many poor people in Cumberland and Westmorland, and in the towns and parishes of Carptmell, Oxhead and Broughton in the county of Lancaster, to continue a trade of making cogware, kendals, carptmeals and coarse cottons.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1863 (26 & 27 Vict. c. 125))
7 Jas. 1. c. 17
23 July 1610
An Act against burning of Ling and Heath & other Moorburning in the Counties of York Durham Northumberland Cumberland Westerland Lancaster Darby Nottingham and Leicester at unseasonable tymes of yeare.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1863 (26 & 27 Vict. c. 125))
7 Jas. 1. c. 18
23 July 1610
An Acte for the takinge landinge and carryinge of Sea Sand for the betteringe of Grounds, and for the Increase of Corne and Tillage within the Counties of Devon and Cornwall.[2]
7 Jas. 1. c. 19[c]
23 July 1610
An act for the continuance and reparation of a new built weare upon the river of Exe, near unto the city of Exeter.
Inundations, Norfolk and Suffolk Act 1609
or the Sea Breach Act 1609 (repealed)
7 Jas. 1. c. 20
23 July 1610
An Act for the speedy recovery of many thousand acres of marsh ground, and other ground within the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, lately surrounded by the range of the sea in divers parts of the said counties, and for the prevention of the danger of the like surrounding hereafter.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1948 (11 & 12 Geo. 6. c. 62))
7 Jas. 1. c. 21
23 July 1610
An act for confirmation of decrees hereafter to be made in the exchequer-chamber, and duchy-court, concerning copyhold lands and tenements.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1948 (11 & 12 Geo. 6. c. 62))
7 Jas. 1. c. 22
23 July 1610
An Acte for Confirmacion of the Subsidie granted by the Clergie.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1863 (26 & 27 Vict. c. 125))
7 Jas. 1. c. 23
23 July 1610
An Acte for the Grant of one entire Subsidie and one Fiftenth and Tenth by the Temporalitie.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1863 (26 & 27 Vict. c. 125))
7 Jas. 1. c. 24
23 July 1610
An Acte for the Kinges Most gracious generall and free Pardon.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1863 (26 & 27 Vict. c. 125))

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent (or the start of session)
Long title
7 Jas. 1. c. 1
23 July 1610
An Act for confirmation of several decrees made in the court of exchequer chamber, and dutchy chamber, between the King's majesty and divers copyholders of his Majesty's manor of Wakefield in the county of York.
7 Jas. 1. c. 2
23 July 1610
An Act for confirmation of a decree made in the court of exchequer chamber, between the King's majesty and the copyholders of his Majesty's manor of Edelmeton, alias Edmonton, in the county of Middlesex.
7 Jas. 1. c. 3
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 4
23 July 1610
An Acte for the Assuringe and Establishing of the Isle of Manne in the name and blood of William, Earl of Derby.
7 Jas. 1. c. 5
23 July 1610
An Act for the explanation of a proviso or branch of a statute contained in an act of parliament made in the years of the reign of our sovereign lord King James, of England, France and Ireland the Fourth, and of Scotland the Fortieth, intituled, "An Act for the establishment and assurance of divers of the possessions and hereditaments of Ferdinando late earl of Derby."[a]
7 Jas. 1. c. 6
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 7
23 July 1610
An Act for the naturalizing of sir Robert Karre, knight.
7 Jas. 1. c. 8
23 July 1610
An Act for the naturalizing of mistress Jane Drummond, gentlewoman of the Queen's majesty's bedchamber.
Earl of Oxenford's Estate Act 1609: sale of manor of Bretts and farm of Plaistow (Essex) towards repurchasing the castle, manor and parks of Henningham (Essex).
7 Jas. 1. c. 9
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 10
23 July 1610
An Act for the assuring of the farm and demesnes of Damerham and other lands in Wiltshire, according to his Majesty's grant, and a former grant made by King Edward the Sixth.
7 Jas. 1. c. 11
23 July 1610
An Act for the foundation of an hospital, a grammar school, and maintenance of a preacher, in the town of Thetford, for ever according to the last will and testament of Richard Fullmarston, knight.
7 Jas. 1. c. 12
23 July 1610
An Act for the naturalizing of John Marray, John Levinston, and John Auchmothy, grooms of his Majesty's bedchamber, and Richard Murray, warden of Manchester.
7 Jas. 1. c. 13
23 July 1610
An Act for the naturalizing of Levinus Munke, one of the clerks of his Majesty's signet.
7 Jas. 1. c. 14
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 15
23 July 1610
An Act for the naturalizing of Robert Browne, his Majesty's servant in ordinary.
7 Jas. 1. c. 16
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 17
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 18
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 19
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 20
23 July 1610
An Act for the naturalizing of Henry Gibb, groom of the bedchamber to the most excellent prince Henry prince of Wales.
William Essex's Estate Act 1609: sale of lands for payment of debts, and settlement of residue.
7 Jas. 1. c. 21
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 22
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 23
23 July 1610
An Act for the naturalizing of sir George Ramsey, knight, equerry of the most excellent prince Henry, Walter Alexander, gentleman usher of the said prince Henry, and John Sandilandis, groom of the said prince his bedchamber.
7 Jas. 1. c. 24
23 July 1610
An Act for the naturalizing of Peter Vanloore of Fanchurch-street, London, merchant.
7 Jas. 1. c. 25
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 26
23 July 1610
An Act for the uniting and annexing of the parsonage and decayed parish of Froom Whitfield, in the county of Dorset, to the parsonage and parish of the Holy Trinity in the Dorchester, in the said county.
7 Jas. 1. c. 27[b]
23 July 1610
An act for the continuance and reparation of a new built weare upon the river of Exe, near unto the city of Exeter.
7 Jas. 1. c. 28[c]
7 Jas. 1. c. 27[d]
23 July 1610
An Act to confirm and enable the erection and establishment of an hospital, a free grammar school, and sundry other godly and charitable acts and uses, done and intended to be done and performed by Thomas Sutton, esquire.
7 Jas. 1. c. 29[c]
7 Jas. 1. c. 28[d]
23 July 1610
Sir John Wentworth's Estate Act 1609: assurance of lands to provide portions, confirmation of life estates in other lands and enabling the sale of other lands for payment of debts.
7 Jas. 1. c. 30[c]
7 Jas. 1. c. 29[d]
23 July 1610
Reginald Rous's Estate Act 1609: sale of lands in Badingham, Tymington and Little Glemham (Suffolk), to his nephew, Reginald Rous of the Inner Temple.
7 Jas. 1. c. 31[c]
7 Jas. 1. c. 30[d]
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 32[c]
7 Jas. 1. c. 31[d]
23 July 1610
Charles Waldegrave's Estate Act 1609: sale of lands for payment of debts and advancement of children.
7 Jas. 1. c. 33[c]
7 Jas. 1. c. 32[d]
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 34[c]
7 Jas. 1. c. 33[d]
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 35[c]
7 Jas. 1. c. 34[d]
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 36[c]
7 Jas. 1. c. 35[d]
23 July 1610
An Act for the naturalizing of John Mounsy.
7 Jas. 1. c. 37[c]
7 Jas. 1. c. 36[d]
23 July 1610
An Act for the naturalizing of Johaannakyn alias Joane Greensmith, daughter of Matthew Greensmith, citizen and grocer of London.
7 Jas. 1. c. 38[c]
7 Jas. 1. c. 37[d]
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 39[c]
7 Jas. 1. c. 38[d]
23 July 1610
An Act for the naturalizing of Margaret Clarke, wife of Robert Clarke, gentleman.
7 Jas. 1. c. 40[c]
7 Jas. 1. c. 39[d]
23 July 1610
An Act for amending of a writ of entry whereupon a common recovery was had of the inheritance of sir John Byron, knight, within the county palatine of Lancaster.
7 Jas. 1. c. 41[c]
7 Jas. 1. c. 40[d]
23 July 1610
An Act for the naturalizing the right reverend father in God George Montgomery,[e] lord bishop of Derry in Ireland, sir James Fullerton, and sir High Montgomery, children of the said sir Hugo Montgomery.
7 Jas. 1. c. 42[c]
7 Jas. 1. c. 41[d]
23 July 1610
7 Jas. 1. c. 43[c]
7 Jas. 1. c. 42[d]
23 July 1610
  1. ^ Earl of Derby's Estate Act 1606 (4 Jas. 1. c. 3)
  2. ^ Also listed as 7 Jas. 1. c. 19.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p This is the citation in The Statutes of the Realm.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p This is the citation in The Statutes at Large.
  5. ^ George Montgomery (bishop)


See also


  1. ^ a b Short title assigned by the Statute Law Revision Act 1948 (11 & 12 Geo. 6. c. 62).
  2. ^ "Sea Sand (Devon and Cornwall) Act 1609". Retrieved 17 March 2023.

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