Bog Rosemary – Andromeda glaucophylla

Bog Rosemary Species of flowering plant Andromeda polifolia, common name bog-rosemary,[2] is a species of flowering plant in the heath family Ericaceae, native to northern parts of the Northern Hemisphere. It is the only member of the genus Andromeda, and is only...

Bush Honeysuckle – Diervilla lonicera

Bush Honeysuckle Species of flowering plant Diervilla lonicera, commonly referred to as northern bush honeysuckle, low bush honeysuckle, dwarf bush honeysuckle, or yellow-flowered upright honeysuckle, is a deciduous shrub native to the northeastern United States and...

Buttonbush – Cephalanthus occidentalis

Buttonbush Species of flowering plant Cephalanthus occidentalis is a species of flowering plant in the family Rubiaceae that is native to eastern and southern North America. Common names include buttonbush, common buttonbush, button-willow, buck brush, and...

Canada Yew – Taxus canadensis

Canada Yew Species of plant Taxus canadensis, the Canada yew[2] or Canadian yew, is a conifer native to central and eastern North America, thriving in swampy woods, ravines, riverbanks and on lake shores. Locally called simply "yew", this species is also referred to...

Carolina Rose – Rosa carolina

Carolina Rose Species of shrub Rosa carolina, commonly known as the Carolina rose,[2] pasture rose, or prairie rose, is a perennial shrub in the rose family native to eastern North America. It can be found in nearly all US states and Canadian provinces east of the...