Lesson: Hummingbirds for Beginners

Lesson: Assignments 1-4

  • Quizzes: 4
  • Total Questions: 96
  • Exams: 1

This lesson contains four assignments. We will concentrate on the proper selection & care for plants in a nature habitat. These topics relate to hummingbirds and their Nature Habitat.

  • Topic: One
  • Subject: Hummingbirds – An Introduction
  • Watch Video: A Garden for Wildlife
  • Recommended Books
  • Download Reading Assignment: Why Landscape for Wildlife
  • Quiz: 9 Questions
  • Review: What do you think about this topic?
  • Topic: Two
  • Subject: Native Plants for Hummingbirds
  • Recommended Books
  • Download Reading Assignment: Landscaping for Birds
  • Quiz: 4 Questions
  • Review: What do you think about this topic?
  • Topic: Three
  • Subject: Hummingbirds as Pollinators
  • Download Reading Assignment: Selecting Plants
  • Quiz: 7 Questions
  • Review: What do you think about this topic?
  • Topic: Four
  • Subject: Hummingbird Feeders
  • Download Reading Assignment: Invasive Plants
  • Quiz: 7 Questions
  • Review: What do you think about this topic?
  • Review: What do you think about this Lessen?