The Tingzhou dialect (Chinese: 汀州片; pinyin: Tīngzhōupiàn) is a group of Hakka dialects spoken in Longyan and Sanming (historically Tingzhou), southwestern Fujian. Tingzhou includes the Hakka dialects spoken in the counties originally under the jurisdiction of Tingzhou: Changting (Tingzhou), Ninghua, Qingliu, Liancheng, Wuping, Shanghang, Yongding and Mingxi. The Changting dialect is generally regarded as the representative dialect of this branch of Hakka.[1]


  1. ^ Luo, Meizhen 罗美珍; Lin, Lifang 林立芳; Rao, Changrong 饶长溶, eds. (2004). Kèjiāhuà tōngyòng cídiǎn 客家话通用词典 (in Chinese). Guangzhou: Zhongshan daxue chubanshe.

See also